Motored into Blind Bay for an easy anchorage. Lots of good anchor holding. While cruising for a spot to anchor I did a double take on a blue hull vessel. To my surprise it was another Gozzard! Her name, Grace Note, owned by Greg and Barb. She is a G31 and looking good!
There are very few Gozzards here in the north west. This one is one more to the count which stands at 4!
Al and I visited Greg and Barb to get a tour of the G37 little sister. Grace Note is well fitted for Greg and Barb and their live aboard travels in the San Juan Islands.
Reciprocating Grace Note’s hospitality, I welcomed aboard Greg and Barb for a tour of Estrella.
With a touch of rum, we parted and agreed to stay in touch.
It’s great to exchange Gozzard stories with other Gozzard owners. They take so much pride in their boats and share so many wonderful stories!
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